Winter Solstice/Great Conjunction Reading 2020

Happy Winter Solstice and Yule! May you be blessed with love, health, wealth, joy, connection, and clarity this holiday season and into the new year.

Here in the PNW, we were blessed with the first snow of the season on the Winter Solstice. Talk about magic!

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BREAK THE CHAIN: Ancestral patterns. Healing. Rewriting the future. 

AWAKENING: Energetic upgrades. A new way of being. Integration. 

After the longest night of the year, we welcome the return of the Sun in the Northern Hemisphere, while the Southern Hemisphere celebrates the summer solstice. Here in the North, our days will grow longer until the summer solstice. If that is not exciting enough, tonight we also have the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, ushering in the Age of Aquarius.

What I have been shown by my spirit guides is that things will be more “normal” in the world six months from now. The spread of the virus will be down, more things will be open, and we will be able to travel and gather together again. Metaphorically, we will be in shadow season until the summer solstice, and then welcome the light in the second half of the year. So it is backward from what nature is doing here in the North but aligned for our friends in the Southern Hemisphere!  

Notice the Full Moon on the left and the New Moon on the right. This represents the two recent eclipses and how their transformative power will be strongest in the next lunar cycle, filtering into the next 6 months, and through to the end of 2021. 

We are clearing out. As the vibration of the planet is rising, all the shadow junk is coming up on both an individual and collective level. 

You may sense a divergence. I’ve been feeling it building for years and many other people talk about it too. This time has been prophesied across all traditions of the world. There is a split of two timelines that is more obvious by the day. Between 3d and 5d. Between low and high vibes.

Be aware of what you are tuning into. Especially over the next month, and six months. You have a choice--choose love over fear. If you slip into unconsciousness and back into the “matrix”—don’t beat yourself up. It is all part of the journey. Try to stay conscious of the notion as you dip down into negative emotions that you are there to heal. Sit with your feelings instead of trying to repress or dissociate through external distractions. Healing comes from being present with what you are feeling, not running away, or pretending to be happy when you are not. The fastest path to feeling better is through, not around.

Affirm to yourself: “I am feeling this emotion to filter it through and heal for myself and others. As I heal myself, I raise the vibration of the planet. When I heal, it creates a template for others to heal more easily. I accept the present moment, hold myself in love, and I am divinely supported and guided for the highest good of all, and so it is.” 

Allow yourself to feel and know that healing and the path of spiritual awakening is a journey of strength that not everyone takes. It takes perseverance and you have it. Thank you for doing the work. 

Decks used:

Work Your Light Oracle, by Rebecca Campbell

Native Spirit Oracle, by Denise Linn