A Message To You, From The Desert


If you’re having a hard time, know that a few years from now your life will be totally different.

Today is my birthday, and this photo was taken exactly 5 years ago. I was on an epic trip around the Colorado Plateau with my geology friends. 

So much has changed since then.

And after living in 4 different states and traveling the world,

I find myself in the desert again. 

Once again unsure of where I will go next, 

Except now I am blessed to make these decisions with my beloved, our one-year-old baby, and cat.  

I look at this photo and have so much compassion for myself at that time. I was feeling so hurt and lost but simultaneously liberated and excited to be following my intuition into the unknown. I experienced massive changes in my life after committing more fully to mediumship development. There were people around me who thought I was crazy and did not understand my actions. My life crumbled. I leapt into the open arms of the universe with full trust and surrender and miracles ensued. 

If I could talk to myself then my message would be the same message I am receiving now from the divine. This message is for you too.

Trust, keep going, have faith. Even if no one believes in you, keep going. Care less what other people think. Do what you know is right. When you feel alone and misunderstood, keep going. Keep taking small actions towards your passions each day. Everything will work out better than you imagine. Set bigger intentions. You deserve to be happy.  Be easy on yourself. You are doing a good job. You are a good person. Keep doing the best you can. Your best is enough. You are enough. You are on the right track! Yes, you are on the right path. When you mess up, learn from your mistakes, and keep going. It is all happening for you to learn and grow, so be easy on yourself. Make amends, forgive, continue to strive to be a better person every day. You likely won’t remember most of what you worry about. Always return to gratitude. Surrender more. Surrender to the divine will of the universe. Remember to rest. Allow yourself to receive. Everything is going to be ok. Things are getting better for you! A miracle is around the corner. When you feel confused, know that clarity is available for you. You are on the brink of a breakthrough. 

The Desert card from Earth Magic Oracle Card deck by Stephen D. Farmer brings the message that you are being called to embark on a vision quest. 


It is said that ‘the desert does not lie,’ so partaking in this can help you to discover the truth about your purpose, or at least give you some clues. It is time for you to go on a vision quest. Designate a place in Nature in which to dwell, whether for a couple of hours or a few days. Spend the majority of your time while there praying and meditating. It is best to be in a location where you can truly find solitude, even if it is in a quiet corner of a park for an afternoon. Wherever you go, take your question, concern, or challenge with you into prayer or meditation. Allow it to float around in your consciousness, and watch what shows up. -Stephen Farmer 

Sending love and blessings to everyone reading this. May you have the courage to listen to the quiet calling of your soul and take the next step in that direction. May all the longings of your heart materialize in divine time.

What will the next five years bring?

Know it will be better than you imagined. You are loved and infinitely supported. You can always call on your higher power and spirit team for help, healing, and guidance.


Kimberly Aliyah