How to Clear Your Energy: Techniques You Need To Know As An Empath, Intuitive, or Highly Sensitive Person

Originally written on March 5th, 2020, updated April 24th, 2023

Highly sensitive, intuitive people must clear their energy regularly to stay healthy and functioning at their best and to prevent feeling physically or mentally depleted. 

If you work professionally with others as an intuitive, healer, or medium, energy clearing is essential and these techniques are especially helpful before and after sessions. 

There are two essential components to clearing energy:

  1. Release the energy that is not serving you 

  2. Intentionally refill your energy body with positive energy

Whenever energy is moved, it leaves a void. If the void is not filled up intentionally, something else will rush in to fill it up by default...and it may be more of the same vibration that you just worked so hard to clear. Also, clearing energy without filling back up can leave you feeling drained. This does not have to be a long, complicated process--it can be a simple visualization.

When a human or animal is buried under a tree, when their body decomposes, its nutrients will feed the tree and help it grow. The same is with energy. We want to think of sending dense, negative energy down to the earth to be recycled into pure, usable energy. 

Whenever you are clearing energy, you can imagine opening a portal and sending the energy down through the portal into the earth, and closing the portal when you are done.

Think elements. You can clear with earth, air, fire, and water, either physically or through meditation. 

In this article, I will explain different ways to clear your energy and you can choose what works for you to develop your own practice, or to inspire new ideas for your existing routine. 

Meditation, Visualization, & Intention 

I am a firm believer that imagination is the most important tool over all else. It is nice to have crystals, smudge, access to grounding outside, etc., but when it comes down to it, you can clear your energy with your mind. Some different techniques are to meditate and visualize light, (different colors will represent different things) or water cleansing your energy field. You can also call on the spirit of the plant or your choice and visualize the smoke clearing your energy field or space. Imagine your feet are on the Earth and what it smells like after it rains. 

Your intention and consciousness is by far the most powerful tool you will ever have. When we leave this physical world, we will not be able to take any of our physical tools with us, but our consciousness, our soul, and spirit, are eternal.

Prayer/Calling on Guides and Angels for Assistance

Depending on your personal spiritual or religious background, you may feel comfortable with prayer and already utilize it when in need of spiritual upliftment or guidance. You can call on your spirit guides to clear your energy. There is a universal law of free will, meaning that your guides will not intervene unless you ask them to. It only takes a second! You have a spiritual team made up of spirit guides, ancestors (both psychical and spiritual lineage), passed loved ones, and angels who are around you all the time, ready to provide guidance and healing.  

Energy work/Reiki

If you are trained in energy work such as Reiki or another modality, then this is a great way to clear your energy. You can learn reiki techniques without taking an expensive class, which I will explain how to do in another blog post. 

Receiving an energy healing session from a reputable healer is another great way to clear and balance your energy body. 


A powerful way to clear energy quickly is by the smoke of smudging herbs and plants such as white sage, palo santo, copal, mugwort, cedar, and sacred tobacco. Please note that many of these are considered sacred to indigenous cultures and a closed practice.

An important thing to consider is the origins of the smudge you are using. It is important to consider cultural appropriation and the source of the plants. Are the plants endangered? You may choose to grow your own or to use a type of smudge that is readily available and connected to your ancestral roots or something you can purchase that is grown locally. 

Clearing Spray

Sensitive to smoke? There is a wide array of smudge sprays available that are made with essential oils from sage, palo santo, cedar, and more. I am very sensitive to essential oils and since I had my baby I no longer use smoke for clearing.  like to make a salt spray with sea salt and water in a spray bottle; I find that it clears the energy very well. I also like to sprinkle salt around the home and sweep or vacuum it up. Salt carries negative ions which are said to decrease anxiety and depression and increase levels of serotonin, peace, and happiness.

Salt Bath

Taking a bath with Epsom or Dead Sea salt detoxes and pulls the negative energy out of your aura and body. If you are short on time or do not have a bathtub, you can also take handfuls of salt and rub it on your skin in the shower. 

Directions: put sea salt or Epsom salts in the bath and soak for at least ten - twenty minutes at minimum.

You can say a clearing invocation out loud or to yourself, setting the intention that all energy that is not of your highest good is pulled out of your body and energy field and released down the drain. Visualize the negative energy going down into the earth to be recycled into usable high vibe energy. Make sure to fill back up with positive energy. You can name the traits that you would like to absorb from the universal divine source.

You may like to infuse bath salts with essential oils or herbs.

Adding crystals to the bath is another alternative, such as grounding and protecting obsidian, and quartz to bring in the new divine energy. Just make sure you do not use water-soluble crystals, generally ending in ‘ite’, such as selenite. There are exceptions to the rule so you may want to look up the crystal before submerging it in water or salt water.

Adding baking soda to the bath is another way to cleanse. I do this once in a while and it feels like a super cleanse! Add 1/4 - 2 cups of baking soda to the bath water. Rinse in the shower afterward.


Earthing, also called grounding, is the practice of putting your bare feet directly on the Earth. Earthing grounds, clears, and rejuvenates your energy field. You can do this passively by just being barefoot outside...even a few minutes will make a difference but I recommend at least 10 minutes a day. Or it can be intentional. Visualize any stagnant or negative energy flowing down into the earth to be composted and recycled into usable energy. Then fill back up….feel the earth’s energy flowing up into your body. It will do this anyway, but I find being international brings more emotional and mental clearing and peace. My feet start to buzz when I put my bare feet on the Earth and if you pay attention, you’ll feel this too. 

 I recommend this documentary on YouTube for a compelling exploration of the subject: The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding

The documentary talks about how Earthing can provide physical healing. I have noticed it decreases physical pain in my body. I do it like it is medicine, every day. During times of elevated stress or compromised immune system, it becomes even more essential.

In the documentary, a person put a grounding wire out of their bedroom window and somehow connected it underneath their bed to receive the benefits of earthing while they slept. There are grounding mats that you can find for purchase, I have not personally tried one yet, but would like to.

Another interesting thing the movie talked about is how Earthing connects our personal energy meridians with the Earth’s meridians. This is how it is supposed to be, but in our modern times, we have become completely disconnected. Rubber is an insulator that blocks the transfer of electrons into the body. Since the advent of rubber-soled shoes, the rate of depression, prescription of antidepressants, and inflammation of the body has increased exponentially. For a scientific explanation, please see this journal article by Gaétan Chevalier, Stephen T. Sinatra, James L. Oschman, Karol Sokal, and Pawel Sokal: Earthing: Health Implications of Reconnecting the Human Body to the Earth's Surface Electrons.


If you are a witch or feeling called to the path, know that you can intuitively create simple spells to clear your space and your energy.


Breathwork can be used to journey and I have been sober for 12 years, but before that, I tried everything. Breathwork is just as powerful as psychedelic medicine journeys, in my opinion. You will experience powerful breakthroughs, realizations, and spiritual phenomena. It has so many health benefits as well and can reduce pain and fatigue.


Move, shake, shimmy, stomp, stretch, dance or jump up and down! Any kind or movement or exercise clears energy. Some ideas: walk, run, chair yoga, yoga, swim, weight lifting, any kind of dance (I love belly dance) hiking, biking, etc. Do what you prefer!


Solfeggio frequencies are one of my favorite ways to clear a physical space and my energy. I meditate with solfeggio frequencies and they help me to quickly go into a trance state, raising my vibration and thus clearing my energy. Nine solfeggio frequencies correspond to different chakras and have different healing effects. 

You can also buy tuning forks or other sound-healing instruments that are calibrated to solfeggio tones.  

Solfeggio Frequencies:

174 Hz - Pain relief

285 Hz - Healing tissues and organs

396 Hz - Liberation of guilt, shame, fear, and grief

417 Hz - Facilitates change, removes blocks, resolves past trauma

528 Hz - The ‘love frequency’, transformation, miracles, DNA repair  (My FAVORITE)

639 Hz - Connecting and relationships

741 Hz - Communication, expression,

852 Hz - Returning to spiritual order and awakening intuition

963 Hz - Diving consciousness or enlightenment

Binaural beats are another type of sound healing that mimic the brain wave states:

Gamma: 31-100 Hz

Beta: 16 - 30 Hz

Alpha: 8-15 Hz

Theta 4 - 7 Hz

Delta 0.1 - 3 Hz

Fun fact: mental mediumship takes place around 7-8Hz

There are many different sacred sound tools to explore and see what calls to you, such as: crystal/singing bowls, zills, magical wind chimes, bells, drums, or rattles. 

I am a big believer that we do not require any additional tools for magic/spiritual work. If you want to activate the clearing power of sound, all you need is your own voice! Sing, chant a mantra, or practice toning. You can also lightly drum on your chest with your fist. 

Fasting or High Vibrational Foods

I am hesitant to put fasting on here because of the prevalence of eating disorders. I am in recovery from a restrictive eating disorder and do not do fasting of any kind, including intermittent fasting. 

For people who do not have a history of or tendencies of an eating disorder, fasting has benefits such as detoxing the physical body, resetting the pallet, and bringing one closer to their higher power. However, for people with a history of eating disorders, fasting is triggering and distances them further from their higher power. Always listen to your own intuition when discerning what is right for you. The same things do not work for everyone. 

Regardless of whether fasting is right or not for you, everyone’s bodies can benefit from eating high vibrational foods. High vibrational foods are whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and some grains. If you ever find yourself too ungrounded, eating heavier food will help to get you back in your body. However, eating too much processed foods will lower your vibration. 

Apple cider vinegar and lemon help to alkalize the body which reduces inflammation. 


The element of fire is inherently purifying and transformative. By lighting a candle, you infuse your space with the element of fire, transmuting stagnant energy and infusing the space with life-force energy.


Yup, I said it. An orgasm a day keeps the doctor away. Orgasms have are scientifically proven to flush cortisol, the stress-producing hormone from the body, leaving you feeling relaxed and recentered. Orgasms can reset your perspective and make you feel your power return to you. One of my mentors, Athena Perrakis, says that orgasms balance all of your chakras. Try it and find out!

Sunlight and Fresh Air

Our home is an extension of our energy field, and when it is cluttered or dirty, it will affect the way we feel physically and mentally, as well as our creativity and ability to manifest. Fresh air and sunlight will help to clear your home in addition to cleaning and decluttering. 

Feng shui is the arrangement of items in the home and the land around the home to balance the elements with the goal of high vibe and flowing qi or chi: life force energy. 

Your home should reflect how you want to feel and where you want to be/what you want to manifest several years from now. A great resource for learning more about feng shui in a simple and easy way is the House Therapy podcast with Amanda Gibby Peters. 


Selenite is my favorite crystal for clearing space because it is high-vibrational and never needs to be cleared. Spears radiate energy in all directions, I have several selenite spears around my home to keep the space clear. Selenite wands can be used to open a circle when doing magical work and kept with divination tools such as tarot cards to keep the deck clear.

Please make sure to purchase crystals that have been acquired from an ethical, fair-trade source. 

Remember, you are your most powerful tool. You do not need any fancy tools. Your mind, heart, feelings and spirit are eternal and powerful.

Happy clearing,

Kimberly Lakein