How to Communicate with Your Loved Ones in Spirit

Did you know that you can communicate with your loved ones on the other side? The first step is knowing that they can hear you!

You can talk to them:

1) out loud

2) in your mind

3) through writing

Don't worry, your deceased loved ones are not listening to your every thought. The difference is, they listen when your direct your thoughts or words towards them. They are only a thought away, and are right there when you call.

If you cannot sense them yet, that is ok. Mediumship abilities are innate human abilities, and anyone can develop them if they desire.

Start the dialogue on your end and invite your loved ones in! Get curious. Set the intention. Ask them visit your dreams (if you are comfortable with that). Ask them to come through to you in a way that you will be able to recognize. Ask them for a sign.

Signs are our loved ones way of letting us know that they are ok, they are around us and they love us. They want to give us signs to communicate that are alive and well on the other side—which is closer than we think! Anything can be a sign, just pay attention to how it makes you feel. Most people overthink it--if it makes you think of your loved one and you are wondering if it is a sign, it probably is!

You can ask your spirit loved ones to show you a specific type of sign if you like, so that you have validation that they are indeed around you. Your loved ones want to be able to give you a sign that you will understand. This is part of the language that you are creating together. Life continues on after this life and so does your relationship and love for each other.

A few common signs are: songs, animals, butterflies, dragonflies, birds, coins, flickering lights, finicky electronics, memories, smell, seeing someone who resembles your loved one, an object associated with them, a snippet of conversation, number sequences...anything can be a sign. The more open, curious, trusting, and flexible our mindset, the easier it is for our loved ones to connect with us.

Pay attention to your senses. Our loved ones will use any and all of our senses. You may hear, smell, feel or just know that your loved one around you. You may see them in your mind’s eye. Memories are often ways that loved one communicate with us. If you find yourself thinking of a loved one out of no where and smiling, trust that they are there reminding you of the good times you had together and the love you shared. Your loved ones are always around you.